News & Events

The IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society (SSCS) Hong Kong Student Chapter has been devoted to organizing educational tutorials for post-graduate students and motivating undergraduate students. Read more
On August 9 and 10, 2019, the IEEE SSCS Hong Kong Student Chapter together with the HKUST  ICDC co-organized the 2019 SSCS Summer Camp——HKUST ICDC Annual Symposium with the theme of AIoT Inspired IC Design. Read more
On Janaury 16, 2019, Prof. Shuji NAKAMURA, 2014 Nobel Laureate in Physics, delivered a talk on high brightness blue LEDs and blue laser diodes. He talked about the history and background story of the key scientific issues solved in order to realize high efficiency solid state lighting. Read more
The Inaugural HKUST IC Design Center (ICDC) Symposium titled "Energy-Efficient ICs for AI-Driven Applications" was successfully held on Jun 14, 2018. Read more